NST overload

Ashley • Mommy to a beautiful baby girl born 5.10.16.
I'm scheduled for my 4th non stress test this week  and I can't help but feel annoyed. Last Friday I felt literally no movement until after arriving at the hospital and getting hooked up to the monitor. So I was asked to come back two days later for a follow up which was 7 HOURS LONG (baby daddy and I were livid to put it nicely). And they called me yesterday and asked me to come in and have another. So I did. I had my regular prenatal visit today and they scheduled me for another NST on Friday. MIND YOU.... She's been moving normally ever since the first test so the reason for the follow up is beyond me...
She wasn't super reactive on the trace so I understand their concern. But her biophysical profile ultrasound scored 8/8 on both that I had last weekend... and the end of the NST on Sunday and the one yesterday were pretty damn good. 
I'm just trying to figure out if I should be concerned or just get used to having them even though there's really nothing wrong. I'm not really trying to be induced but I don't even know if that's a realistic possibility.