Thank You.

Stephanie • None of your business.
Some of you know a little of my story. You also know just this past weekend after three long years of TTC with two losses along the way I found out I was pregnant again. (Thank you for the positivity and tweaks!) The doctor confirmed it yesterday and I go in 12 days to, hopefully see a happy, healthy bean on the "big screen." I am worried and scared. I'm afraid of this one ending like the others, BUT no matter what, I just want to say thank you. None of you know me and I have felt so much support already. You have prayed for someone you don't even know and that makes my heart smile. So, most simply and genuinely, I say thank you. I am so very glad I found this app. Baby dust to all those TTC, those expecting, I wish you a happy, healthy 9 months for you and your little one/ones, and just anyone in general that has reached out and been a little piece of positivity and light. Thank you.