conceiving a baby

Vania • 24 years old .. happily married to my best friend .... #TTC baby number 1 waiting patiently for 2 positive lines ..
My husband and I have been having unprotected sex for about two months already we want to have a bby I had my period on March 16 and according to my <a href="">period tracker</a> I need to start my period today but on March 30th when I woke up to pee  I had a bit of discharge w like brown blood very light though then when I got to work I had to pee and I had again discharge w a very light pink color this has never happen to me I am so anxious to be a mom so I have been taking pregnancy test often and they all come out  negative this will be my first baby so I have no type of experience or know how it works .. I was reading online about 30% of women bleed and that could be a chance that you might be pregnant but this happen on March 30 when does the egg start growing in order to conceive a baby idk of I make sense  but this is the picture of the discharge  w the light color of pink blood I didn't take a picture of the first one