I want to TTC 😭

Backstory- I have an almost 3 year old, a 6.5 month old, and I know in my heart that these two aren't it for me. 😭 I know I want at least one more baby. My husband and I have been saying its "Not the right time" to TTC the third lovely baby but I want to sooooo bad!! 
The thing is, is I'm too overweight from my youngests pregnancy and I wouldn't be comfortable being pregnant this heavy. Also, I want to wait and give my youngest his time to have attention too. 
We're making the smart decision by NOT TTCing the third. But I just want all of my family here NOW! 😂😂😂
Please give me reassurance that were doing right by waiting. 💙 I want to see a positive test so bad. 😔

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