Delivered by paramedics at home ! 02/17/2016 worth the read!

This is my birth story when my son was born on 02/17/2016!!
~ Here's how it went down! ;
My labor & contractions started at 11pm on February 15th! But We waited until 7am the next morning, February 16th, until we went to the hospital; at that point contractions were 2 mins apart lasting a minute & a half! But when we got to the hospital & got checked we were only 2cm dilated! Needing to be 3cm dilated to be admitted ! 😳 so at that point we were sent to walk around the hospital for 2 hours to hopefully progress & be admitted. So 2 hours passed of more intense contractions & walking around we went back & got checked & we were still only 2cm dilated! :( they almost wanted to send us home at that point, but we were determined & decided to stay another 2 hours & tried walking lots of stairs & everything ..! Went back again & still only 2 cm along :(! So we were told to go home because they couldn't admit us! So we went home still having contractions, but not as intense or as often.
Later on that night around 11pm, i was woken up with REALLY bad contractions again..! I decided to get up to try & go to the bathroom , with a weird sudden feeling of needing to PUSH!!! I didn't know what was going on.. ! So i called my finacé into the bathroom & said something didn't feel right & that i needed to push.!! He told me to get up & go lay in bed & relax . I got up off the toilet walking to my bed & my water broke! My fiancè starting to panic told me to lay on the bed.  I called my sister in law (who had two kids of her own) around 11:45pm in a panic asking her what i should do, & i think she could tell by the pain & panic in my voice that something was seriously wrong ! She told me i should call 911 & thank god i listened and did..! I remember while the 911 dispatcher was talking to me trying to keep me calm, he asked if i could feel the head (which i could) & i told him i didn't know what it was i was feeling! So he got me to ask my fiancé to check.. I did & he said "I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS!!!" & kinda ran away in a panic !! 😂😂😂 (LOL , still so funny to me) The paramedics showed up to our apartment at about 12 midnight & made their way into our bedroom, where i was!! At that point, i knew i could just let go.. & actually PUSH . This whole time waiting i would slightly push, but was basically holding him in  ....!!  1 push his head was out & 1 more push & he was here  & delivered by paramedics! 
💙 Nathan Lucas Cleary 💙
Born At home ON his due date ! 
 12:05am February 17th 2016💙💙 18.8 inches long 
weighing 7 pounds & 6 ounces! 
Obviously NO epidural, NO drugs. All natural! 
Honestly, it wasn't that bad, contractions were painful, (that lasted 24hours) but bearable. & pushing was a relief & a piece of cake for me! NOT pushing & holding back was more painful to be honest! Lol 
I had such an adrenalin rush going through me that shortly after giving birth, i got up , walked out to my living room, to leave to go to the ambulance, to go to the hospital.. That i just started picking up all our hospital bags. & the paramedic looked at me & said "woah woah, what are you doing ?! We got your bags! You just had a baby!" LOL , as i preceded to walk down 2 flights of stairs to my ambulance ! 💪🏻👊🏻
Alot of people ask me ... Did you have to get a new bed?! & no we didnt! The blankets & towels saved the bed! There was a little blood stain ( no worse then a period stain) in the shape of a heart ❤️☺️
This is my first baby.
& alot of people say "oh thats such a horror story" . But i think it was beautiful in it's own way & i wouldnt have it any other way! 
I don't know what i'll do if i have another, because now i WANT a planned at home natural birth! (Its what i really wanted deep down in the 1st place anyways) If i can do it, you can too mama's! 👶🏻💋