No protection

Maria • Totally not on my period right now. 😁
Ok , so my AF is late 32 days !! My usual cycle is 20-30 days and I'm currently on cycle day 63 . I took 1 pregnancy test about a week ago and it was negative . I'll take another one as soon as I can get one , but help me guess? I lost my appetite and really just ate 1 bowl of cereal a day for about 4 days , 2 days ago I literally forces myself to eat and I feel like I'm still doing that... My discharge smells like ... Metal? I guess ? I don't know but it's not that foul of a smell and I'm sure I'm the only one who notices. Yes , I'm sexually active ... No protection WHATSOEVER .. Not even the famous pull out method .. We're not trying to conceive , but we're also NOT not trying. We have sex almost everyday of the month and each time , he does come inside me . That , and the fact that I'm 32 days late ???!! What do you think?