Second baby. ..

Ivette • 27. Married. Mommy of 2. I am fearfully and wonderfully made ♡
Anyone else wait a few years before having their 2nd child? My daughter is 6 years old and I'm 38+6 weeks right now and although I've been thinking and know our lives are about to change again, laying here not being able to sleep is making me anxious. I'm almost due and NOW I'm nervous about being a mother of 2? Lol I must be super hormonal atm... I'm in tears. How did your first born adjust to having a baby in the house? How did YOU adjust? I know I'm going to love my baby just like I love my first born it's just so hard to imagine all that love, and I day dream about it all the time. I know it's silly but I'm so freaked out now about something that has brought me so much joy and I know is going to be the most wonderful thing.