Just found out I'm pregnant.

How crazy is this.
I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks last December. A few weeks ago we found out we were pregnant again (thought I was around 5.5 weeks) but a week later was certain I had a miscarriage as I bled so heavily.
Today I went to a post curette (from Dec) follow up appointment with my obstetrician and mentioned I had another miscarriage.
He did a scan to make sure it was a complete miscarriage and I found out I am 13 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby! I am still in shock. My husband and I are just so happy.
There was a second sac on my ultrasound so he thinks I was pregnant with twins and lost one earlier. Also crazy as I bled at the exact time of my period so had no idea I was so far along.
I am so happy I can't wipe the smile off my face!
Looking back, I probably should have known from the symptoms.