Is it important to have a good relationship with your parents?

I am 25yr old. 
My parents are
Very traditional
Very condecending 
We don't have a lot of communications mainly because they work a lot when I was young and they didnt have the time to be there for me emotionally. In addition my dad had anger issues because of work and that made me distant myself from my parents more and more as I grew up.  As time goes by my home language became not as strong as English. I would have a hard time telling them something because of language barriers and their consdencing tones when I do tell them something. 
I do want to build a good relationship with them but Idk how. Last night, my mom would ask me if I have a scissor and I would get annoyed with her for just asking me stuff. Right now I happy with my career. I am not happy with love life because I am going through a breakup and it was not the right timing so we broke up. I know it's for the bettrr. Advices?!! Help!