The possibility?

I had intercorse the day glow said I was ovulating (22 and 26) a few days later I took an ovulation test and it said I was ovulating (30) so we had intercorse that day as well. Well my period did come April 11-13 only... It started out barley there but enough to have to wear a pad then on the 12 it was a lil heavy but considered light to what I usually have and spotty that day. On the 13 it was faintly there and a very light pink and spotted, I didn't need a pad for that day. And now today it's gone. Usually I have a 4-5 day period that's super heavy, so this wasn't what I'm used to. I feel like it was to heavy to be considered implantation bleeding but everyone's body is different. Is there a possibility of pregnancy? The only way to know is to test but I'd really like some advise on this. What do you think? Could it be pregnancy or just a really weird period ?