Could I be pregnant?

Me and my S/O just moved in together 4 months ago.. i have been trying to find a new doctor and OBGYN because I ran out of birth control (pills).. but can't find one as of now because we moved to a foreign country..... so we have been having unprotected sex for the past 4 months and I have not been feeling good for the past month and a half or so... every time I stand up I get really dizzy to the point I have to stand for 5 sec to adjust... atleast 3 times a week i have headaches bad ones almost to the point they feel like migrains...there are times in the morning or at late nights I have butterflies in my tummy and have that feeling to gag or throw up for no reason... i have become very tired! I can't get threw the day without taking a nap..i also been peeing more frequently I used to be able to sleep through out the night but now I wake up atleast twice at night... i have started craving alot of fatty foods like chips soda cakes usually i can control my self but recently I just cant...i also feel sensitive in my lower tummy area it feel wierd and sometimes I feel really bloated where it's uncomfortable to sit down...i have also been very moody I get upset for the smallest of things and I'm no where near getting my period.. and what's making me question if I am or not is my period has always been irregular and for the past 4 months my period has been on and off.. and the last one was very very heavy.. i have had a miscarriage in the past...and I'm scared and want to know if I should take a test?