The Anticipation is Killing Me!

My periods were very irregular after I stopped taking birth control in October 2013, but they've been coming more regularly and I've actually been having periods once a month for about the past 6 months. 
My last period started on March 12 and was a few days long. 
My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex on March 26th. 
My period isn't due to come until this Sunday (the 17th), but my breasts have been soooo sore. I'm trying to wait until Sunday to test, because I don't want to have a false negative by testing too early. 
When I do the online due date calculators, it says December 17 from both my first day of last period calculation, and from the date of conception calculation. The fact that they both give me the exact same day makes me optimistic! 😊
Do you think I'm pregnant?! 😋