Is it cheating?

So me and my fiancé started talking online since it was long distance about a year and 2/3 months ago. January weeks after we started talking I felt like I had feelings for him (we texted every day all the time) February we were doing calls on skype and seeing each other's face every day online. That's when he told me he loved me the first time but we know he didn't mean it. March 12 is when we were official, when he asked the question "do you wanna be my gf". Anyway, January and Feb and beginning of March (before he asks me) he was going on live webcam sites to watch girls, sending nudes to girls and talking dirty to many girls. He stopped doing that about 2/3 days before he asks me if I want to date him. It sounds like a silly question but in your opinion is it cheating? Even if we weren't actually dating? Because at that time he had said many times he loved me and loved talking to me and loved calling me on Skype. I just don't understand how you can say you love a person and talk to her every single day and do these stuff with other girls. Every time we talk about it he says "IT WAS BEFORE WE WERE DATING" I know but still we were talking to each other as bf and gf. Today we live together and I know he's never done any of these stuff while we were together. It just upsets me that he was doing that while talking to me. 😔