Not sure where to post this 😞

Elle • I threw my pie for you
Seeing as quite a few people here are animal lovers I thought I'd post this here.... 
We went away for 5 days and my inlaws looked after the cats. My cat milo who has previously had a cancerous lump removed has been really strange since we got back on Monday night. His breathing is heavy, he's sat on my lap now and without touching him I can really feel his heavy breathing. His meow to us isn't the same and he's just not himself and he's been sitting with his back to us 😞 on the other hand he has also been sitting on my lap too and purring and letting us fuss him and doesn't seem in pain but he's just not right and his breathing worrying me. I don't know what to do because he isn't himself and is breathing heavy but at the same time seems okay ish? It's 1am here so I can't really call my mum for advice. I don't know if us being away for that long has just upset him 😞 I know I tend to over worry about him because of his cancer though 😕 I just need some advice 😞