Braxton hicks?

So I think (I'm not 100% sure) I've been having Braxton hicks for quite a few weeks now just randomly, where a certain part will tighten for a little bit then relax. Well today I've felt it pretty consistent, nearly all day. Idk how to measure them even if I should be. It feels like Braxton hicks but I also get the feeling that it's like she's running out of room in there and any move she makes feels tight and strong on me now. Cuz now I can feel her moving at all parts of my stomach at once, instead of just one side. But today with the possible Braxton hicks all day it's like she's moving a lot more all day long. No pain for me so I read on the internet that that would indicate that's it's not real labor. Blehh I'm a first time mom and idk what the heck is happening to me today. I'm 31+5 weeks. Gonna try and sleep...would definitely appreciate any other mommas knowledge if you can relate