How would you feel?

Amanda • 21.
So today around 6 in the morning, close to being 7. I texted my boyfriend Goodmorning like I always do whenever I fall asleep on him and I accidently woke him up. I told him to go back to sleep and he just blew up on me. He told me "you wake me up and decided to tell me rudely just to go back to sleep? Really?" I didn't even mean it in a rude way and I get that as a response and I apologized saying he took it the wrong way and he just started getting pist off even more. Nine hours later he decides to text me, apologizing saying he feels like an asshole and didn't mean to lash out on me the way he did. First off, if he felt like an asshole the way he says he does don't you think it wouldn't have took him nine hours to text me to apologize? What do you guys think? I don't want to accept his apology because of what he told me. I didn't deserve any of it and I'm not just going to let what he said go because it really hurt.