Haven't told anyone...

I'm 16 & I'm scared. I know that having sex was the choice I made having in mind the concequences/possible outcome. So please, really you don't have to remind me.. I just need support at this point. I took a few pregnancy tests about a month ago after I missed my period and they all came back negative. But I started feeling nauseous about two weeks ago. And threw up this morning at school. So during my study hall I went got another 2 pregancy tests and took them and there positive the lines came up immediately and very dark... So, I'm 16 and pregnant... Buuut. I haven't told anyone not my boyfriend(father) my parents or anyone... But I took 2 more a few hours afterwards and they came back negative.. I'm confused they are all the same brand out the same box.. What do I do? 1) I can't have a baby 2) how in my supposed to tell my boyfriend and my parents and I'm pregnant.. 3)Idk what to do. I'm literally balling my eyes out right now..