TTC sucks sometimes... Help?

Michelle🐶 • 8 angel babies, now divorced but still hopeful for my first human child - already have my pitbull fur baby!!
So, started round 2 of Clomid. I hate this process. It sucks. Me and hubbs are still optimistic but also frustrated, trying to keep sex fun but getting to that point where it also feels scheduled.
Can anyone give me pointers for how to navigate the fertile window without sex feeling like a job? The rest of the month is fine, but lately during that week it hasn't happened because we are putting so much pressure that one or both of us aren't "into it". And considering with the meds especially, we have like 2 months left to get it right before doc might want <a href="">IUI</a>- which neither of us want, and 5 days each month to figure out a way to not have pressured, yet pressured sex. 