Shots question 💉

OK so my daughter is almost 2 months old on the 23rd I go in for her shots on the 28th basically her dr. told me that she is getting 6 shots in my mind I am thinking this is crazy I don't remember my first daughter getting that at one time I'm kind of freaking out because I want to do the right thing and definitely get it over with but I want to research and if they're really not necessary but is not only that but isn't normal I mean all you mommies out there when your baby was your baby yet six shots👶🏻💙👍🏼💚
😂 i'm a concerned mother I want to make sure I do everything right but to me it makes no sense to give us a shot at one time is poor child is nice and she's probably going to have more favors I'm already going to give her Tylenol🤕💉 but I'm not crazy right !!! 

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