Nexplanon after baby

Hey y'all! Just a quick question about birth control for anyone that might have any insight. I'm 37 weeks pregnant now and am very very single (have not had sex since the beginning of January, don't plan to for quite a while after baby is born) but i definitely want to get on a good birth control at my 6 week post partum check up so i know I'm covered and safe lol. I don't want an IUD (idk the thought just freaks me out) but i want a more permanent form than the pill or the nuvaring, both of which i've been on in the past. So nexplanon is what I'm very much considering, but i've heard a lot about different side effects and possibly not even being able to get pregnant in the future after having it removed. I might want more kids if i find the right guy so that would be a scary thought for me. Does anyone have experience with this? I'll also be breastfeeding my little one, did anyone have it affect supply or anything after having it put in? Thanks!