No symptoms at all?

So I went off my BC last month to start TTC and Af is due tomorrow according to glow. I've gone off my bc before to start TTC but went back on it due to it being too stressful not getting pregnant and all and every other time I go off my BC my AF always starts sooner than it should I'm guessing from my body trying to adjust to the hormone changes and what not. Anyway, I've had sex multiple times this month including during the ovulation window. So normally a couple of days before AF I get cramps and back pain and I get cranky and irritable and this month I have nothing so far. 
So far since my ovulation window I've had some symptoms on and off like a bit of cramping, sore nipples and nausea but the nausea could possibly be from being hungry and yesterday I was a little bit emotional and cried really easy over the most silliest thing. 
What do you guys reckon? Pregnant, change in AF cycle or just my body adjusting to no longer being on BC?