Made to feel tight with money

Vicky • 26 y/o, full time work

Today my mood has gone from content to sour in about 5 hours.

My husband has criticised me when I said he would have to help me with money for petrol as he wants to do an extra 50mile drive today to fetch his friend from another town. I said the friend should pay the petrol as they asked for the lift.

The friend asked me what they should pay for petrol and I said it'd only cost £10.

My husband has gone behind my back and told them to do nothing or £5 at most.

I'm really upset as it's my money that goes on the petrol and I don't earn as much as my husband to cover extras, especially when it's his friend who needs a lift when they could easily get a coach or train.

I feel really upset about it because it's obvious he's talking about me to them.

Does anyone else have issues with money when bills are split 50/50 regardless of wage?

I felt really mean but then angry because I hasdn't felt mean before as I only said £10 because that's what it would have cost in petrol. Train or coach would have been £35 at a minimum :(