How soon after miscarriage did you try again?

Hello, I had joined this group in hopes to have some others help me out on this... 
I'm 27 years old. I have a 3 year old child who is my world! I ended up getting pregnant in August an found out I was pregnant end of September ( last week to be exact ) on October 4, 2014 I ended up having a miscarriage an I was 8 weeks along.. I ended up getting a D&C done the week after because I was real sick again an wasn't sure what was going on. Exactly a week after that ( which would have made it 2 weeks after my miscarriage) I started having unprotected sex with my husband to try again for another child.. I was to have my period Nov. 1st-4th of 2014.. We are on the 9th of Nov. an there is still no sign of a period coming.. My doctor told me that since my miscarriage was beginning of last month ( 1. It's considered a period an 2. Since my cycle was every 28 days I would just start right back up again. ) now like I said it's the 9th which is 8 days past my period if I was to start on the 1st of this month.. An 5 days past if I was to have ky period on the 4th of this month. I have ovulated an what not for a little bit.. Just need to know if it's possible I could have concieved so soon or if I'm just being to impatient