Since I came off the pill about 4 months ago

I have put on so much weight! Why is this 😢 I use to be a size 10 now I'm struggling to even fit in to my size 12 jeans!!! What can I do ? And no sarcastic comments like ( eat healthy) 🙄 I eat the same stuff as I did before I came off
Thanks in advance. 
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Posted at
My doctor warned me... Thank goodness, but I have been slowly putting on weight over the last 5 months. I've jumped almost 4 sizes. I watch what I eat and even walk. I have maintained the last month though with changing nothing. Apparently the change in hormones can do it.


Posted at
I feel the same girls..came off the pill in January and thought I would lose weight..nope I feel like I'm getting bigger by the day and now worrying I get my BFP and I'll be like a hippo...I hate being a girl 😣


Posted at
If you figure this out let me know I was a size 6/8 and now I'm a size 12 as well I lost so much weight on BC now it's just depressing I workout and lose a few pounds but then it comes back...