Givving up

Im givving up alltogether now trying for a baby cuz its never going to happen is it since 2012 ive had no luck 1st lost a baby n been trying ever since for my rainbow then being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and not long ago got diagnosed with endometriosis (mild) n also on my last scan cysts showed up lets just face it im a walking f**k up and im sick of it now it just takes the mick u see low lifes who dont deserve kids get pregnant people who take drugs and drink while pregnant its discusting and i see so many woman on here who deserve to be a mom and would give anything to have a child and it doesnt happen i wish baby dust to you all but for now ive lost all hope for my self and im sick of the heartache every time i get my period it sucks id give absaloutly anything to become pregnant and have a healthy baby but no it just wint happen like i said befor i never get any luck sorry for the rant but im really emotional at the min 😢😢