Please comment Post birth emotions

I gave birth to a beautiful little boy on Friday at 35weeks he's doing really well. But I just feel so angry at his dad he's still around but through the pregnancy he was horrible signed up to dating & porn websites stayed out until all hours drinking never really around to help me ect. & now our baby is here he's moaning because I'm quiet and that I ain't telling him he's doing grate ect which I have been he's jus rude when the midwife comes in the room he doesn't
Move out the way for her just lays back on my bed just very arrogant and irritating me so much I duno what to do. I feel so sad. He tells me he loves me & just wants us home but baby has jaundice and I have an infection so we have to stay in which I'm fine about I kind of wish he wasn't around how awful as that sounds. 😔