Any ladies still trying. ?

Hello, I finally got my real period after all the brownish blood and spotting on and off .. March 29th my period came on .. Started off as light red spotting then as the day progressed it got heavier! Like it used to be before I got pregnant with my daughter ! It was really heavy I had to wear the BIG pads ! At night I wore tampon and pad ! And the whole time it was red blood! By day 5 it slowed down! And was back to brownish spotting and my day 6 it was gone.. I had no spotting after that.. Now with my period being a week away I've been having thick white discharge ! There no smell, no itch or irritation ! So I know it's not yeast it started yesterday and was still here today! Google tells me I could be pregnant but I just didn't think it would happen that soon after my first period !?