She's finally here!

Quinitia • 30 years old turning 31 the day before thanksgiving, been with my high school sweet heart for 17 years and married for 6, we have a 13 year old son together and expecting another child in April!
My baby girl was born yesterday morning at 38+6 April 20th at 7:27am weighing 6lbs 12.6oz! Started having contractions Tuesday at 5:45 that became closer together and more intense. Came into labor and delivery and got admitted a little after 9pm. I was 3cm dilated and just about progressed a cm an hour. I didn't get a epidural but did get something called stadol through an iv for pain but it didn't come close to helping me with this pain. I labored painfully through the night and was ready to start pushing at 7am. After a good 7 pushes she was here! Meet little Ms Aleah Faith 😊💕🍼👣