Good position for strong letdown!

I have a 1 month old and at about 3 weeks, nursing was becoming a stressful time 50% of the time! Baby was jerking off my nipple, and crying then wanting back on, some times choking . Plus she has been spitting up a lot. My nipples were super sore! I went to the Internet and found out she has a small lip tie. I set up an appointment with the lactation consultant and she didn't feel the lip tie was to bad, so she referred me to my pedestrian and see what she says. I was told I was a Milk Goddess, 😇, and had a strong let down! Instead of me leaning foward to feed, which isn't good for my back and it working w gravity to blast the milk into baby's mouth, it was suggested to me to lean back, recline, and have baby laying into my breast to drink! This works so much better!! So far, no choking and a better experiance nursing. Still a little sore sometimes due to bad latch and a small lip tie, but so much better over all!