I need help. Prayers please

Kaitlyn • Due 12/5/16 😍
Me and my boyfriend have wanted nothing but our own family to start. We are crazy in love and have been since we first met. We both have history of addiction. But both have been clean for over a year. 
I'm 7 weeks pregnant, we found out about a month ago. We both have jobs, are moving into our own house by July, have a car, and are living healthy lives. My boyfriend came with me to my first prenatal checkup and then drove back home. He lives 3 hours away. He called me from the house phone and then we both said goodnight. Tuesday morning by 8 am he was gone. His mother thinks he just snuck out. He has had a history of going on binges since he was young. I was at first so mad, how could he do this to us how could he leave me here worried. It's been 3 days. And his phone is on but just rings and rings. At this point we are all scared something happened to him.
I am so mad and sad at the same time because he put himself in this position! But I also understand because I know addiction. 
I will deal with all consequences after he's found but for now please I need prayers that he's safe and alive. I'm 24. I'm so scared I'll have to go through this alone. He is such a good man. He knows how stressed I would get which leads me to believe something is wrong.
If you believe in God or the trees or something up above please help me and pray he is safe! Every hour not hearing from him is killing me inside. 
Thank you. I needed to vent.
Prayers please. 😞