Spotting again 😢

Pauline 🌈 • Eleven angels in heaven. "Somewhere, over the rainbow, skies are blue..."
I think I might be losing this rainbow baby. 😢 we went in this morning for blood draw and other misc lab work, and have to go back on Saturday for a follow up blood draw to check levels. I started spotting in the middle of the night, very lightly and brownish in color, but this came with intense cramping and it is exactly what happened for my previous mc. I won't know my results until Monday and have an appointment scheduled to discuss options and everything else on Tuesday. This is going to be a long weekend. This will make three mc for us, so the doc can finally start doing some intervention and testing. I'm praying that I am not losing this child, but I feel it in my heart that I am. I just spent $60 on plants and herbs for my garden so I plan to lose myself in my yard for the weekend. Pregnancy is hard enough as it is, it doesn't seem fair that some of us have to experience a whole new level of difficult. 😢🌈