Induction story


At 40 weeks exactly we decided to induce since I was in early labor for going on a week. I was unfortunately 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced going in to the hospital. We started with a cervix ripening drug. After being checked 4 hours later I was 60% effaced and still 1cm. Another dose was done and after being checked I was at 80% and 1.5. Still regular contractions but not painful. We decided to try 1 more dose. After that dose I was 90%. Getting more uncomfortable from contractions we decided to try pitocin. We did the smallest amount and I decided to get an epidural. After 30 minutes my water broke on its own and I was 5 cm. Contractions really set in and I was BEGGING for the epidural. So I get the epidural and 40 minutes later I start complaining of pressure. I get the nurse to check me and I'm at a 9 1/2!!! 10 minutes later it's pushing time! Pushed for 2 hours and baby was finally born at 2:21am with the cord around his neck twice! All was fine though and we have a healthy 8 lb 14oz boy. 21.5 inches long.

Had a 2nd degree tear and unfortunately a spinal migraine that lasted 5 miserable days. We are home now and happy as ever!

Baby Jaxson Anthony Jones