Making me feel like a bad mom

So my husbands grandmother was down to visit this weekend, and she kept trying to find every little thing I did wrong and point it out.

At one point I was simply burping my daughter and she says "you're going to bruise her beating her back like that" and then later when she was holding her said "I won't beat you like mommy". Then she proceeded to take off my daughters bow claiming it was cutting off the circulation (the bow was loose) and that it would hurt her. She said "so unnecessary just so mommy will think you look pretty." And basically just treated me awful and made me seem like I'm hurting my daughter. She also later brought up the bow again to my MIL trying to say it caused a spot on her head (which it didn't)

I'm so upset! I don't get it. And my husband burps my daughter just the same, so its not like she's oblivious on how to burp. She said nothing to him. I don't know, I'm just upset and so angry that she'd say these things. Its like she's trying to make me seem abusive and I'm not!