Car crapped out.

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi
Right after we sunk money into it because we were assured that it was fine and that those repairs would fix everything. Now the transmission and catalytic converter are both "suddenly" shot. It's an old car not worth the $4,000 of repairs. My husbands dad gave it to him as a "leaving for university" gift because he doesn't do anything but occasionally buy your love with gifts... And now it's not repairable after God knows how much money from our pockets in repairs and being so very gentle with it.
This time we're going to buy ourselves from a reputable dealer (we found out recently it was a salvage that they tried to cover up as not a salvage... Or that my husbands dad tried to cover up at least. It was renewing the registration that we figured it out.) I wish we had known before we spent all that money since we aren't the richest people and I'm out of work for a few months come summer.
We can't really afford a new car, but our family has always been very supportive, and I'm sure will help us offset some of the burden... And now we'll probably have to get a loan 😞. I'm really big on being able to pay things in full and this stupid car with its repairs sucked away a lot of the savings that we struggled to build up as young college students. It's just really disappointing.
Positive spin we should get back a good tax refund and we have supportive family so well soon get a new (to us) car. And a nice one because I don't want to deal with this crap again. I'd rather pay more up front for a good car than late it later like we did with this crap thing.
The worst part was that his dad talked it up so much and assured us that he bought it from a reputable place so that it would last a long time. 😞