Uterus irritability

Wanted to share my experience just in case someone else was having some scary First time mom pains. I am 32 weeks and teach. I walk a lot and never get to pee. 😂 Monday and Tuesday I had a really tight stomach. More than usual. I have gained 16lbs so far so not too much. It felt like some of BH but it just never really let up. I text my nurse and she said come on in since I had appointment Tuesday. Walking made the "contractions" worse. They hooked me up to the monitor and it was just small constant waves. Told me I had uterus irritability. And if anything got worse go to L&D just to make sure labor wasn't starting. They wanted as much time to stop it as possible since I'm still so early. Well yesterday after work I laid down and could actually count the waves. They were 5-6 minutes apart. Text my dr she said go on in! Well same thing on their monitor. Nothing to worry about. Checked me and not dialated thank goodness! I got a shot of brethine and went home.  
Today has been better until I walk far or have a full bladder. I waddle and have itty bitty steps to the bathroom and can walk closer to normal leaving! 😂 
hope little man stays put a bit longer!m!