Baby Kellen's Birth

So my birth story was not what I expected! At home last Sunday evening over 48 hours after my sweep so I thought it did not work. Went to the bathroom and felt a jolt and pop but no fluid. Then I had a small contraction. Then light contractions every 4-5 minutes. I started gathering my things, this was it. Then I had a gush of fluid. On the way to the hospital contractions really got strong and 3 minutes apart. Went straight to room and contractions just got worse and faster. About an hour in they were unbearable! Unfortunately my hospital makes you get fluids before getting an epidural and there was no time. Next they are telling me not to push but I can't control it. The dr finally makes it and we are a go and he came several huge pushes later. He had to go to NICU at first for fluid in his lungs but was ok after he finally let out a big cry. He then stayed there 48 hours because I had strep b and he had stressful birth and they gave him the antibiotics for 48 hours. There was not time to get both rounds in me. We finally made it home and all are doing great.