These Boobs Are Killing Me!

Kayla • My name is Kayla & my wife`s name is Sarah. We tried for 3 years, IUI procedures and we are having our 1st baby!
I have always had sore boobs, ever since they grew in. I have fibrocystic breasts and am use to them being sore all the time, especially before my periods. But the breast tenderness is NO JOKE! Last night/early this morning, I tried to sleep on my stomach and it hurt so I tried to sleep on my side (I don't sleep with a bra on) and they were, of course, hanging so they hurt. All I could do was groan in pain and finally flipped to my back and stayed like that. Apparently I'm going to have to sleep with a bra on. I've got to do something. My doctor told me (before I was pregnant) to take vitamin E pills to help with the soreness and not to drink caffeine. Now that I'm pregnant I don't drink caffeine, and I don't take extra vitamin E. Would it be safe to start taking vitamin E again? Or would it even help?