35 weeks, dilated 1cm

I just went to my 34 week doctors visit, I just hit 35 weeks yesterday. I am measuring at 35 weeks, babies heart beat is fine. I've been having my doctor check my cervix the last 2 appointments because my Braxton Hicks are so consistent we like to make sure they aren't changing my cervix. My last appointment which was my 32 week check (33w1d) I was NOT dilated. My cervix was nice and closed and high and NOT soft. This appointment I WAS dilated to 1cm and I was soft. My cervix is still high up so that's good. Baby is head down. She told me just to take it easy on the weekends and relax. I'll be full term the week after next. I also noticed as I was sitting on the table waiting for my doctor to come in that I have pitting edema. Which is where my lower extremeties are retaining water. But my blood pressure is great (100/60) so this doesn't indicate pre-eclampsia. I have gained 33lbs so far this pregnancy. She doesn't seem to have a problem with that number.