Looking for a cycle buddie for moral support :)

My name is Laura, I'm from Ireland, I have been ttc for 10 months now. My AF is due on the 22nd of April. I have not been actively trying but I have been wanting to get pregnant even before I got married 10 months ago. I'm 23 and my husband is 24. At the moment my two adorable cats are my babies :). I have made an appointment. 3 days from now to see my doctor to see if there is anything wrong. I have had regular periods from I was 13 years old. I assumed it would be easy to get pregnant but obviously not. I would love someone that I could talk to on a regular basis to share my worries with because I don't feel as if I can talk to any of my friends, even my husband as I don't want to upset him. So if anyone could get back to me that would be great xxx