So irritated!!

Nikki • Aubri Lynn 03/27/2012 💜 Cayden Jace 03/03/2013 💙 Angel Baby 01/30/2016 💔 Rainbow Baby 12/12/2016 🌈 I have an amazing fiance who I plan to marry 10/28/2017 Couldn't be happier with life 💞💖
So I went in today for my first ultrasound and they weren't able to do it because when I scheduled the appointment nobody told me my bladder had to be full and they couldn't see my cervix or anything. The lady was horribly rude and to top it all off when I went to reschedule for Monday they told me that on Monday they would no longer be accepting my insurance. Had to reschedule at another place that's 2 hours away (the next closet place that accepts my insurance) and its for Monday. I guess its a good thing though because I will be prepared and they should be able to see more because I will be seven weeks exactly. It just sucks when you get your hopes up and all excited to see your baby even if its just a blob and are not able to.