Breast feeding rant

C • C
I just need to get this off my chest right now so I don't lose my cool on people!! 
Baby was born on Tuesday and I can't get her to latch! Milk came in yesterday and my breasts hurt so bad because she isn't latching! I have a appointment to get help with it on Monday but until then I've chosen to pump and supplement with formula, today I was in a lot of pain and took a oxycodone, I don't want her having my milk after taking that so I decided to treat myself to a energy drink since I was gonna toss my milk for the afternoon anyways, I posted a pic of the energy drink on Facebook with a status of 'treating myself' and got attacked by people telling me I need to breast feed and that's horrible for her and someone else posted 'well you must be bottle feeding then...' I tried to explain that I was supplementing due to complications and people were still just not accepting if
I deleted it because with my temper I was gonna light them all up, and I can't calm down right now because I'm already frustrated that I'm having a hard time with it and I really didn't need all that right now 😩
Sorry to rant here just really needed to get this off my chest