Decisions Decisions...

Emily • 5-13-16 🌈 👧🏼 💗 2-09-21 🌈 👦🏼 💙 Due: April 13, 2022 👦🏼💙
So I'm 35 wks 1 day pregnant and come Monday I have my last 2wk appointments and will be going every week until my little Ava decides to come. Monday on my appointment my dr is going to decide if it's best to do a scheduled C-Section or if he thinks I'll be able to have her vaginally. He doesn't want any gray areas. He wants us to have a plan. He's scared of because how small I am that my baby won't fit in through my birth canal. I trust my dr and his decision whole heartily. My question is- 
How does the C-Secection process go? Are there any stories without complications happening? I'm going to be a FTM and I'm honestly getting scared now. I'm so nervous about it all. 
Let me add. I do not want a C Section. But if he thinks it's best I won't argue.