You never know.

Let me start off this post by saying I have a wonderful 3 year old momma's boy. We got pregnant on our first cycle then. I feel like I blinked and I was pregnant. Fast forward, and we have been trying for a year and a half now with no luck. I can't tell you how many people ask me "when are you giving him a sibling?" Or "don't you think it's time for another one?" I also can't even begin to tell you that nearly everyone is popping up pregnant this year, my sister in law who said she absolutely did not want any more children or my best friend or people who have no business being mothers. Yesterday, an acquaintance from high school posted one of those stupid Facebook quizzes on my wall "which one of your friends will end up pregnant soon" and also writing "maybe time to give jax a sibling" to which I broke down and cried. I know no one knows because we are private about this and I must admit I am guilty of using these phrases before our troubles, in passing small talk. But going forward I will now watch what I say because you don't know someone's full story, they may be keeping a chapter or two private. This post is also not meant to come off bitter, but I just needed to vent.