
Alesia • trying again...

So my baby boy decieded to show up right on his due date 4-21-16

Baby Jaxon is baby #3 and he was a sucsessful all natural vbac!! After having 2 previous c sections.

So the morning of the 21st i was uncomftorable sleeping but didnt pay it much attention...the day went on and i just felt diff....around 1pm i was having pretty regular contractions aboit 12mins apart..... I laid down....couldnt sleep they were getting closer...around 3pm i called my doc office contractions were npw 8mins apart and i had to breath threw them they said it was early labor and relax.....

So around 4pm i sent my husband to go look at a roof..i drove to get one of my other sons from school....contractions were now 5mins apart....around 6pm i finally called l and d bc we live an hour from our hospital....i spoke to the midwife and she seemed to think it still might be early but i could come in to get checked....we head to the hospital .....contractions are every 3mins all thw way there but not as bad as i thought they should be! I was worried theyd send me home....

We get into triage around 7:30....checked at 8....i was dialated to a 7!!! Go time

I declined any pain meds bc i wanted to be able to move around. I bounced on a birthing ball...that really helped...i stood and rocked...then i got on all 4s and felt so much pressure....she checked me and i was ready to push....she just needed to break my water...

Thats when things got intense! My water broke and he dropped fast he did have a bowel movement and he had the cord around his neck but my midwife was amazing and un wrapped the cord as his head came out.....9mins of pushing and he was out!



Born 4-21-16 at 10:35pm