Undermining my pain

Ness✨ • we chillin.
My cramps have gotten worse as the weeks go by. It started with slight cramping, within the 2nd month, that wasn't much worse than my menstrual cramping. Month 3 comes and I can somewhat tell when its growth pains.
 Well now I'm in the middle of month 4th month and I'm in tears because of how painful it is. Every time I call my advice nurse all she gives me is a sympathetic "im sorry about that" and if im lucky, a phone call appointment with an OB. I know there will be pain, I'm well aware of that.
 My concern lays with HOW painful should it be this early on. what are other symptoms I should be looking out for? 
should I just trust the doctors and assume everything is going fine in there? Or should I get a second opinion?