I need advice girls ??? Emergency on relationships!!

Emily • Aquarius
So I just got home from my man dropping me off very mad like very angry cause he was driving so bad and I didn't say a word I wanted cry but I just kept it in my gut so the problem was we were kissing he's like grab my dick and I was like your little dick I obviously know his dick is huge to me but he told me you know I would already left you because I don't stand for that shot making me feel less of a man it was joke between us two but I guess he took it serious and he didn't want have sex anymore so brought me home and now I feel like trash like he wanted to just use me for sex but since it didn't happen brought me home like an unwanted person now I just don't know ow what to do I just told me to leave me but I truly love this man but he's an assemble at times please advice girls ????