Don't you hate when people take pictures of you off guard? Lol

My boyfriend does it to me a lot and I hate it I wish I can look good even when I'm off guard my face is like 😦 or 😟 Lmaoo 
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I'm always accidentally taking photos when the camera on my phone is in selfie mode and they are so bad for my self esteem.


Posted at
OMG yes!. My family do it all the time and they post it on Facebook... it's like seriously I'm over here looking like a troll and u have to post the shit. My family use to do that to my mom and shit would hit the fan like they wouldn't talk over it lol


Sarah • Apr 24, 2016


Ho • Apr 24, 2016
I've specifically told people to never tag me in photos on Facebook for this exact reason!


Kaylie • Apr 24, 2016
and when i gave birth to my daughter and my mother was in scrubs and pictures were taken and posted on facebook ohh boy did she blow up xD


Posted at
I only hate it if it's not my boyfriend. It's like a fun game we play on snapchat: who can take the ugliest picture of the other when they're not looking 😂


Sarah • Apr 24, 2016