Ttc #3 but scared to be pregnant again...

I have a 4 year old and a 16 month old and we are TTC #3... With my first he was 2 weeks late and even with meds I didn't dialate past a 3 and they had manually broke my water 24 hours before saying I needed a csection right then... He was a huge 9.9lb 22 inch long baby who was ebf and 30lbs on his first birthday... My second pregnancy ended in MC at 6 weeks but we didn't know till 9 weeks and needed a d&c at 10 weeks... My third pregnancy I was on bedrest starting at 9 weeks till 20 weeks then from 25 weeks till she was born at 36 weeks because I developed preeclampsia at 34 weeks... She was born at 7.15lbs 19 inches long, born with a heart murmur that wasn't discovered till after birth, with hypotonia (floppy baby syndrome) and was just diagnosed with ceribral palsy yesterday. We have been TTC for 8 months now and I am scared I might have more complications since I had 2 csections and preeclampsia in the past...