3-4 days late. 😳😩

Jessie • I`m a 31 year old birth photographer from Asheville, NC. I married the love if my life on Sept 14, 2014. We are TTC
My husband and I are going on 4 years of TTC without a single pregnancy and maybe only 2 "late" periods.  My cycles are so regular.  Well last month my period was weird. Typically I start strong, the next day is light, and the third/last day is pretty much nonexistent. It has been this way since I was 11 years old.  Last month I spotted one day, next day heavy, next day gone, and then very very light spotting only noticeable when I wiped for 4 days.  I also "started" a day later than normal,  the 23rd. Typically I start on the 22nd sometimes on the 21st. 
So I assumed I would start this past Friday or Saturday. No sign of it. I've had some pms symptoms. Pretty extreme fatigue, and some cravings. And All day Sunday I was having cramps just strong enough to be annoying. 
I wasn't going to test until Friday, but my husband was supposed to go get a follow-up SA today so I figured I might as well find out if I'm pregnant before he goes. Took a test yesterday and it was negative. I don't even know what to think now.
No sign of period today. 
To make things worse, we are sitting in the hospital waiting room for my father-in-law who's having surgery. So I'm just sitting here thinking "hurry up and start. Hurry up and start." If the test isn't going to say positive, I need to start so I can move on for another month.
I'm frustrated and I knew you guys would get it.Â