Counselling for PND

Sorry this is a long one but I just need to get this off my chest. I went for my first counselling session today after my doctor said he thinks I have PND. This was a huge deal for me as I don't show my emotions to others and I was so nervous. But I feel worse than ever 😞 I'm mortified at what the counsellor said to me. She basically told me that no one else is to blame, it's my problem and my fault that I feel like this. in all fairness I think she meant it in a way that I'm putting on this stress on myself but it's the way it came across. But then she went on to say that I shouldn't burden other people because they have to go out to work (I'm still on maternity leave) and that it's not fair on my mum because she's already raised her children so she needs time to herself now and not to worry about me. She also said (and I s**t you not) that I should please my husband (her words) and shouldn't be offloading to him or telling him how bad my day has been when baby has been crying as he has been working all day to put food on the table and that I should just get over it or keep it from him if it will upset him. Then she mentioned divorce in my culture is high and it seriously damages a child. I never even mentioned divorce!! I just said that our relationship has changed but then she started banging on about white British culture - she sounded so prejudice. 
I feel like a failure as it is and I'm really struggling just to get through the day. My baby is 5 months and friends have been telling me that I need to pull myself together now as she's not a newborn and I'm still struggling with her. Now I feel even more guilty about telling my husband. I've been trying so hard to keep it together but she just didn't listen to me at all 😞 she said I'm not depressed because I had a smile when I walked in the room.